Chairman notes | Chichester City | 25/01/25
Thank you for coming back to Champion Hill after an incredibly difficult few weeks, your support is going to be critical in helping rebuild the confidence in the team as we seek to reverse the fall down the table that resulted in the recent change of manager.
Today you will get the chance to see Brad Quinton and his team in the dugout at home for the first time and I know you will join me in welcoming them to the club and getting behind them.
Their task is not easy, their first three games come against top six sides and whilst we deserved more out of the defeat at Billericay in a much-improved performance against the league leaders, points need to be won, not just deserved.
We spoke to, about and met with a lot of potential managers prior to Brad’s appointment and what impressed me most was the focus on improving our short-term position and how that could be done.
In the past we have made the mistake of trying to run before we can walk and I don’t want anyone at the club taking our status in this league for granted. We must work hard and show the clubs around us respect, we are not where we are by accident.
This week the board meet again and we will turn our attention to building our longer term future. We have been treading water too long waiting for a new stadium which is not entirely in our gift to deliver. Whilst a new stadium is still critical to delivering the full range of goals for the club and community, we need to look at what is practical to start working on now.
My personal focus will be on regeneration, including giving up the day job to work full time on trying to remove every roadblock that has frustrated progress to date and looking at how I can improve the land around us to increase pitch facilities before the new stadium is delivered.
Other directors will take the lead on changing how our men’s and women’s teams are structured and run, restarting youth football and restructuring the business model to ensure we can continue to be sustainable and debt free in a far more challenging environment.
Back to today our goal is to continue the work to improve performances and results and thank you to everyone who travelled to Billericay and to all of you who will be here today to help drive the players towards that goal.
Next at Champion Hill?
We return to SE22 on Saturday 8th February and tickets are available on Fanbase now! Get yours here.